Posts from April 2017 4.0 in beta 4.0.0 is officially in beta! Whooo!


This is a positively huge release, and I'm so excited to share it with the community. Some highlights:

  • Express 4.x - I wrote about the significance of this change here, but suffice to say that this significantly improves security, performance, and future maintainability
  • Performance and correctness improvements to the web UI's JavaScript
  • Better administrative experience, including the ability to specify configuration via environment variables
  • Better interoperability with the IndieWeb


The upgrade to Express 4.x and the improvements to configuration loading have the potential to break some existing installations, although 95% of installs should be completely unaffected. If you want to help test this beta, please set aside extra time as necessary to perform this upgrade - full documentation can be found on ReadTheDocs.

As always, this release will follow our normal release cycle, which means that the stable 4.0.0 release will go out in about a month.

Test days

Due to the complexity of this upgrade, we've decided to have some test days during the beta where we upgrade prominent nodes for a day, then downgrade them again. This will help expose problems earlier and make the upgrade smoother for everyone. So far Jason Self, who runs Datamost, has volunteered for this - if you're interested in joining him, please get in touch!

Happy hacking!
