
There are numerous ways to contact me:

  • Via Signal (much preferred)
  • Via Matrix (much preferred)
  • On IRC (I am strugee on, GIMPNet, and OFTC, and ajordan on the W3C IRC servers, though I don't check IRC much anymore)
  • By email
  • By SMS; number available upon request

If you need to communicate with me securely, use Matrix (make sure you have encryption on) or Signal. I accept GPG-encrypted mail but would much prefer to use something else.

If you need to send files to me and you're on Nextcloud or ownCloud, you can and should send them using my Federated Cloud ID,

Share with me via Nextcloud

You can also find me on a couple other sites/networks:

  • Mastodon, which I prefer for social networking (my account syndicates to Twitter)
  • MediaGoblin, which I prefer for media sharing
  • GitHub, which (sadly) I prefer for code hosting until someone makes a federated git host

You can also find me on Twitter and on Instagram, but you really should not do so. These networks run non-freedom-respecting network services, and so I tend to avoid them if at all possible (and you should too!). (The fact that I avoid them also means that I don't check them a lot, so they're also pretty bad ways of getting in touch.)
