
Show only posts from 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 or categorized in personal, development, politics and explanations 2.0.4 is available


After a beta period of just over a week, 2.0.4 is now available on npm and GitHub. Whoohoo!

(This was originally going to be 2.0.0, but we had to do a couple patch releases due to some outdated documentation and several critical bugs. 2.0.4 is mostly the same thing as 2.0.0.)


Note that this release includes security improvements - namely, a newer Express version and a better TLS configuration - and therefore admins are encouraged to upgrade ASAP.

For the full list of changes, see the change log.

Breaking changes

(As I said in [the beta announcement][0]:) 2.0.4 is a drop-in replacement for 1.0.0 unless you have any plugins configured or you modify the templates.

Plugins are likely to be affected by the upgrade to Express 3.x. The easiest way to migrate is probably to just run, test out the relevant parts of the app, and see where your plugin crashes. You might also want to look at the Express 3 change log.

If you modified the templates, you'll be affected by the templates' rewrite from utml into Jade. Migration should be relatively painless but has to be done manually. Your best bet will be to save a copy of the diff you created, undo your changes, upgrade, then use the diff you saved to reintroduce your changes. You'll have to run npm run build after making changes to Jade files.

Non-breaking changes

This release is actually relatively minor in terms of non-breaking changes; however, we do have some nice new improvements:

  • A pump(1) manpage is now included
  • Any internal web UI link with a data-bypass attribute is now ignored by the routing logic (useful for e.g. custom pages added by the admin)
  • YouTube links in posts are now shown as embeds by the web UI (#1158)
  • TLS connections now use Mozilla's "intermediate" cipher suite and forces server cipher suite preferences (#1061)
  • Various minor fixes and improvements


Upgrading is dead-simple. If you used our recommended install method, and installed from npm, you can upgrade with:

sudo npm install -g

If you installed from source, you can upgrade with:

git fetch
# If you modified templates, save the diff at this step
git checkout .
git checkout v2.0.4
npm install
# Restore your template changes
npm run lint:jade # Optional but recommended if you changed templates
npm run build

Both of these methods will work whether you're running 0.3.0, 1.0.0, or 2.0.0 beta. Make sure to restart after performing the upgrade.

Getting help

If you have any issues with the upgrade, get in touch with the community. You can also email me at

'Free software' phrasing considered harmful

For a while now I've been avoiding using the term "free software."

Why? It's just plain confusing to people. I know Richard Stallman will tell you that it means freedom, not gratis. It doesn't matter. It's still ambiguous and needlessly conflates two different concepts.

Instead of "free software," I propose "freedom-respecting software" as a replacement. This phrasing is not only unambigous, it also does a much more effective job of communicating the general meaning of the term without further explanation. (Of course you'll probably still need to explain it, but you'll have to spend a lot less time doing so.) The one problem with this phrasing is that it's longer, but even that doesn't hold water - because of the aformentioned problems with "free software," people actually don't say "free software" all that much; instead, they say "free (as in freedom) software" which is unambiguous, but awkward on multiple levels. Not only is it a less eloquent way of describing the concept, but gramatically speaking it's really terrible as it puts a parenthetical qualifier in-between an adjective and a noun, which just sounds terrible and unnatural. Seriously, say both of them out loud. "Freedom-respecting software" and "free (as in freedom) software" - which one sounds like less of a mouthful?

Hence, I think "free software" as a term should be considered harmful, and replaced with "freedom-respecting software" instead.

Edit 0:58 10/10/16:

Another advantage of "freedom-respecting software" is that it's still closely related to the old term, allowing for a much easier pivot. Consider "libre software" which AFAICT had the same goals as this proposal but never really took off - in part, I think, because it sounds very different from an already-established term. (Another way of putting this is that it's conceptually an improvement to an existing term instead of being something brand-new, and therefore all existing associations will carry over with far more ease.)

I'd also point out that the problem of ambiguity is more serious than I've said above. First of all, generally speaking I'm suspicious of any proposal or argument that begins or ends with "we just need to educate people more." Education is an important part of the freedom-respecting software movement - remember, that movement is by and for the people - but I think that argument is too frequently simply an excuse for a poor initial design. (Security, I'm looking at you.) Second, such an ambiguity also muddles our search results. When people search for "free software" they do get our stuff (a fact that I was pleasantly surprised by!) but they also get loads and loads of pages for gratis Windows crapware. That's unideal and it is unlikely to change, ever. Even if people were able to readily grasp the distinction between freedom and gratis that we're pitching, we will never, ever have enough influence on the language people use to get them to stop using "free" to mean gratis - which means that Google will continue showing gratis crapware as "free software."

Finally, as pointed out by some excellent PRISM Break contributors, me writing this blog post and then talking about it occasionally is a far dumber idea than directly contacting the FSF, which I now intend to do Real Soon Now™. 2.0.0 beta is here


As is gearing up for our 2.0.0 release, I just published a beta to npm. We'd love it if any interested admins could upgrade their nodes and report any bugs you may run in to. (All bug reports are helpful, but just so we're clear, we're likely to only fix regressions from 1.0.0.)

Changes 2.0.0 beta is a drop-in replacement for 1.0.0 unless you have any plugins configured or you modify the templates.

Plugins are likely to be affected by the upgrade to Express 3.x. The easiest way to migrate is probably to just run, test out the relevant parts of the app, and see where your plugin crashes. You might also want to look at the Express 3 change log.

If you modified the templates, you'll be affected by the templates' rewrite from utml into Jade. Migration should be relatively painless but has to be done manually. Your best bet will be to save a copy of the diff you created, undo your changes, upgrade, then use the diff you saved to reintroduce your changes. You'll have to run npm run build after making changes to Jade files.

For the list of non-breaking changes, see the change log.


Upgrading is very easy. If you used our recommended install method, and installed from npm, you can upgrade to the beta with:

sudo npm install -g

If you installed from source, you can upgrade with:

git fetch
# If you modified templates, save the diff at this step
git checkout .
git checkout v2.0.0-beta.1
npm install
# Restore your template changes
npm run lint:jade # Optional but recommended if you changed templates
npm run build

Make sure to restart after performing the upgrade.

Getting help

If you have any issues upgrading to or running the beta, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the community. You can also email me at

Webmention test receiver

This post exists only to have a dedicated test URL to send example webmentions to until issue 77 is fixed (or in other words, I need a URL with a wide variety of webmention data associated with it so I can test the webmention styling you see at the bottom of all individual post pages).

It will be removed eventually, probably.

GitHub's 'squash and merge' default considered harmful

Recently GitHub launched two new ways to merge Pull Requests: "rebase and merge" and "squash and merge". That means that projects now have three ways to merge PRs:

  • Merge - creates a merge commit merging the branch (even if it's fast-forwardable)
  • Rebase and merge - rebases on top of the target branch and fast-forwards
  • Squash and merge - rebases on top of the target branch, squashes all commits into a single commit, and fast-forwards

Now, the default is "squash and merge", because apparently that's what people find to be the "prettiest" history. This bothers me for one simple reason: a squash and merge default means a history destruction default[1].

The whole point of commit squashing is to destroy history. Sometimes that's fine - for example, I might squash a typo fix into an earlier commit, because who cares that I typo'd vare instead of var? However, anything less trivial than typo fixes is valuable information about how the project evolved. Even if all of the commits just add stuff, and don't change what's happened earlier in the branch (i.e. even if the direction the implementation's taking doesn't change part-way through) the history contained in the branch is still valuable, because the branch's shortlog will give you a nice overview of exactly what changes happened in the branch. Now, you could of course make the argument that commit squashing shows that same information because by default, in both Git and GitHub, the commit messages being squashed are included in the suggested final commit message. I prefer keeping the individual commits, but that's a valid argument.

However, that doesn't change the fact that in cases where the implementation direction does change part-way through, GitHub's default is actively promoting the irrevocable[2] destruction of valuable history. Lots and lots of people use the GitHub Merge Button, especially those who are new to Git. This default is causing those people to unwittingly destroy valuable information. Sure, it looks nicer in the commit log, and I totally advocate for using squash and merge when it makes sense. But those cases are few and far between - it's basically just a small changes, plus a couple typo fixes or additions. And besides, I think it's far better to have a default of an ugly history rather than a default of an incomplete history. The former may not be the prettiest to look at, but the latter has the potential to actively stop people from doing their jobs[3].

For those curious, here's when I use each mode of the GitHub Merge Button:

  • Merge - when I have a long-running branch that made significant changes and/or diverged significantly from the target branch. In this case, it's valuable to clearly distinguish what's part of the project and what isn't. Rebase and merge is no good because then it's not clear in the history when the branch started and ended. This is particularly evident when looking at git log --graph.
  • Rebase and merge - what I use most of the time. I use this when there were a couple small commits that were interesting enough to preserve the difference, but the overall change wasn't so huge that it needs to be clearly distinguished in the history. This provides a nice and pretty commit graph.
  • Squash and merge - I rarely use this. When I do, it's because all of the commits on some branch are so trivial, they really don't matter. Mostly this means that the overall change is tiny, and the only additional commits that are added are small additions to the first.

So there you have it. How I use GitHub's Merge Button, and why I think the "squash and merge" default should be considered harmful.


[1]: I'd like to point out that this is only a problem in Git. Mercurial has (or will have shortly) Changeset Evolution, which keeps track of how changesets evolve over time. I.e. when you rewrite history, you're not losing any information.

[2]: I'm sure some of you are about to excitedly tell me about a fantastic tool called the reflog, and I really should read Pro Git because it's a fantastic book and has an entire chapter on data recovery. I know. The reflog is not the right answer for this; not only is it local to (likely) a single developer's machine, but it only stretches back a couple months and only works if the old, dangling commits aren't garbage-collected. By the time someone might be interested in looking at the history that was lost, it's probably far, far too late.

[3]: Another rarely-encountered but very serious problem with both "squash and merge" and "rebase and merge" is when people merge upstream changes in a PR. This is a perfectly legitimate workflow - PRs are great for discussing changes, etc. (although a lot of people think they're the only way to merge things, so they open PRs and then immediately merge them - this, IMHO, is very much not a legitimate workflow) - but if you do anything but merge (which includes both GitHub's "Merge" option and fast-forwarding locally on the CLI), you may have a Very Bad Time the next time you go to merge upstream changes to your fork. Why? Because in Git's view, the changes you merged the first time haven't actually been merged. After all, commit SHAs are nowhere to be found in the tree, since when you rewrote history you changed those IDs! Git has no way of knowing that your rewritten commits and the supposedly "unmerged" commits are basically equivalent. (Mercurial, on the other hand, would've kept track of this information and would have no problem at all.)
