Just Do It
Alex Jordan
About moi
Arch Linux
Also about moi
Radical FLOSS zealot
High school senior
I'll get right into it.
% python3
Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 8 2014, 10:45:20)
[GCC 4.9.1] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Um, I see that every day.
It's just a Python prompt.
Yeah, but not everyone sees that.
Away from FLOSS...
There's no equivalent.
On Windows, C# is the dominant language.
On OS X, it's Swift.
Guess what? They're both compiled.
(Swift has the concept of "playgrounds", but it's not the same.)
So you want to use Python (on a proprietary platform)
Have fun.
C# looks like Windows.
Swift looks like OS X.
If you don't use them, you'll be fighting.
A language "looks" like something?
Languages have designs,
regardless of the author's intent.
Any language that doesn't intentionally follow a design will fail.
Unless, of course, it's orders of magnitude easier for web scripting and shared hosting.

Operating systems have designs, too.
A programming language takes a certain view of the world:
How objects map to underlying resources
How the filesystem works
How processes and threads are modeled
What users are
Example: OpenCV in Java
In robotics, we started looking at OpenCV's Java bindings
Matt: "where are the pointers?"
Java doesn't have pointers...
...but the API looked like it should, because it was a port from C
C looks like POSIX.
Python looks like POSIX.
Even shell is more POSIX than C# or Swift.
It's POSIX all the way down.
POSIX = Unix
And Unix was built by engineers, for engineers
Windows and OS X are built for users and enterprises
"The enterprise"
C# and Swift are compiled because compiled languages are "fit for the enterprise"
They're "what professionals use"
They're performant
C# and Swift are rigid and correct
Python is not. Python is infinitely flexible.
Back to Python
Python is flexible
Python is somewhat forgiving
Python requires no boilerplate
print('Hello World!')
Why those things?
Because Python is designed by engineers, for engineers
Those things make sense
They make for code that is elegant and beautiful
Elegance & beauty
Ruby is the fully-fledged embodiment of this idea
"Describe your program in an English sentence. Congradulations, you just wrote some Ruby."
% python3
Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 8 2014, 10:45:20)
[GCC 4.9.1] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
% python3
Having an interactive prompt makes sense
Especially since our community values hackability so much
This is the reason why people teach programming with Python.
Just code
Nothing getting in your way
No boilerplate
No overengineered architecture
Just stuff that makes sense.
"Why do I have to use this AbstractUnicodeStringFactoryFactory
So why do we lose them?
GNOME, we need to talk.
Hey KDE, you should hear this too.
Everything is complicated.
Let's talk about a file synchronization tool in GNOME
GNOME file sync daemon
XDG notifications
More, you say!?
XDG user directories
System tray
Session startup
All of this stuff gets in the way.
To be clear: it's for a good reason.
All of these things solve real problems
And all of the people who work on these projects are good people.
But at the same time...
This is why we're losing them.
There's no path forward.
I speak from personal experience when I say: it's not easy to learn this stuff.
That's where we lose them
Suddenly there's way more stuff that you have to understand
"Why do I have to use this AbstractUnicodeStringFactoryFactory
Let's fix this: better docs
I'll call out GLib in particular: there are no Python docs
All the API examples are in C
Not only that, there are no (comprehensive) tutorials
Docs aren't fun, but they're the future
OpenHatch is as critical as the FSF
The FSF is very, very important
But it's been doing short-term work for 30 years.
OpenHatch is doing the long-term work:
Ensuring that our community has people in it in 50 years.
We need to invest in outreach programs, like OpenHatch
Last but not least: architecture
We need to make it easier to transition from print('Hello World!')
to GTK+ apps
Lots of complex interdependencies
These need to be learned at once, to a certain extent.
But how?
There needs to be a more gradual way to adopt stuff.
GObject needs to take a back seat
Not go away, because it's still super useful
But it needs to be possible to do stuff without it.
Yes, that may have some problems with duplicate efforts
But that's what a long-term investment looks like.
You put a little more in now, and get a lot more later.
Access this presention again
Or, check out the source.

Just Do It: The Approachability of Free Software For Beginners by Alex Jordan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.